
  • Tieling Wo De Bang rubber & plastic products Co.,Ltd.


Product recommendations

  • Rubber Shock Rubber Shock
  • Rubber Shock Rubber Shock
  • Rubber Shock Rubber Shock
  • Rubber Shock Rubber Shock
  • Plastic Products Plastic Products
  • Plastic Products Plastic Products
  • Plastic Products Plastic Products
  • Plastic Products Plastic Products
  • Metal Product Metal Product
  • Metal Product Metal Product
  • Metal Product Metal Product

About US

Tieling Wo De Bang rubber & plastic products Co.,Ltd. is the company  of whom the main products are  rubber and plastic products for car、oil field、mechanical.The company located in the northern liaoning,the city of rubber—Tieling.Jingha railway and hada highway run through the city from north to south. It covers an area of ten thousands square meters, the total assets are tens of millions yuan,there are a group of technical personnel and sets of advanced equipments in the company and it has a strong technical force in mould development and processing.The quality system  of the enterprise is perfect, management advanced and the company has took...


  • Production Equipment
  • Production Process
  • Technical Team
  • Honorary Certificate
  • Customer Service
Contact US





Address:Tieling Xiong Guantun industrial park Liaoning province

Copying(C) 2024 Tieling Wo De Bang rubber & plastic products Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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